There are many ways to say “mother” or “sister,” some more casual, formal, etc.母(haha)...
PCの場合、s y o u h e i [space bar] [space bar]でこういう画面になり、出てきた候補から...
JapanesePod101 JapanesePod101 is our top recommendation to learn Japanese online. We love the fun, current audio lessons and interactive online tools. Sign up for your free lifetime account and see for yourself! Join for free! We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no extra cost...
The names of Japanese companies often occur ia English, Russian and Japanese technical documents and it is rather difficult for us to put them into Chinese, Even if the translations are given, they are not equivalent to the standard ones. In this paper, the ways for correct and standard tran...
摘要: Japanese names and how to read them by Albert J. Koop and Hogitaro Inada (The Kegan Paul Japan library) Kegan Paul, 2005关键词: Dictionaries, Terms and phrases, Handbooks, manuals, etc, Japanese language, Names, Japanese, Japanese, Chinese characters 年份: 1960 ...
Commoners being prohibited from using family names during the Edo Period The Meiji era laws that mandated every Japanese person take a family name The reluctance of some people to take a family name during the Meiji Period The fact that many (most?) people with the surname Satō (佐藤) are...
How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese Introduce Yourself! How to Give a Real Jikoshoukai in Japanese 10 Common Japanese Insults and Curse Words Build Your Japanese Fluency With These Phrases
Today katakana is used to write non-Japanese words, names, and technical terms in Japanese.Along with the basic characters, there are also a few modifiers commonly used with both of the kana.The sound changes shown in the first chart below use dakuten 濁点(which looks like a double ...
When translating from a language which does not have distinction in number (singular/plural) or an indication of definiteness for nouns (Japanese), into a language which does have these distinctions (Dutch), it is not straightforward to make these decisions. This problem in machine translation is...
11.Japanese Name Ranking There are many themes that can be used as references, such as manga, movies, food, names of great historical figures…… It may be easier to decide on a name if you first decide on an image of the name you want to give, such as “cute” or “cool sounding...