If you want to return to browsing without Internet Explorer mode, click the[Settings and more]icon ④in the top-right corner, then click[Exit Internet Explorer mode]⑤. Add specific pages to always open in Internet Explorer mode Open Microsoft Edge. Click the[Settings and more]icon ①in the...
Internet Explorer July Out-of-Band Cumulative Security Update Check Out the New Developer Tools Tutorials Update on the Compatibility View List in Internet Explorer 8 How to make IE open new tabs faster Changes to IE8's First Run Internet Explorer’s ActiveX Security Mitigations in Use IE Compa...
Or, if you have Cortana enabled, say, "Hey, Cortana," and then say, "Open Internet Explorer." For easy access, pin IE to the taskbar: TypeInternet Explorerinto theSearchbox. Right-click on it and selectPin to taskbar. This article explains how to open and use Internet Explorer 11 in ...
If you are more used to opening a web address ever entered in this way, you will find only 5 recently-entered web addresses are normally displayed in IE9. However, previous IE8 can display more addresses: This is one of the changes in IE9 browser, to make the IE9 A...
If you are more used to opening a web address ever entered in this way, you will find only 5 recently-entered web addresses are normally displayed in IE9. However, previous IE8 can display more addresses: This is...
Windows 10 still includes Internet Explorer. Here's how to use it for old websites. ByChris Hoffman Aug 14, 2019 How to Not Have 100 Browser Tabs Open Web Browsers How many tabs do you have open right now? Maybe it's time to cut back a bit. Luckily, you can learn to manage your...
When you select an HTML link to a Microsoft Office file (such as a Microsoft Word or Excel document), Internet Explorer may open the file in Internet Explorer, instead of opening the file in the appropriate Office program.CauseThis behavior may occur if Internet Exp...
If you are still using Internet Explorer as your default browser on Windows 10 PC, you may have noticed that Internet Explorer opens Microsoft Edge or some
1. Open Microsoft Edge. Click on the three-dot menu icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Edge browser, then selectSettingsfrom the dropdown menu. 2. In the left-hand sidebar, click onDefault browser. 3. UnderAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)...
要顯示在 Internet Explorer 9 的 [功能表列] 中以滑鼠右鍵按一下標題列並選取 [功能表列]。要顯示在 Internet Explorer 7 或 Internet Explorer 8 的 [功能表列]中,按一下 [工具] 按鈕,按一下 [工具列]],然後選取 [功能表列]。 若要在 Internet Explorer 中啟用指令碼偵錯 在[工具] 功能表上按一...