She calms me right down every time I get near her. She even knows when I need her and she will come to me when I am upset or facing a panic attack. It is an amazing connection!! We clicked right away. It almost feels like she is human and yes, she is my best friend. God alw...
this message needs to be delivered to your colleagues on time. You cannot convey details about the time, venue, and agenda of the meeting to all of them via calls. So, the
during his final monologue to Ilsa on the tarmac. “We’ll always have Paris” caught on as a catchphrase to use to make light of great loss. “Casablanca’s” Paris montage also provides a quick shorthand for the couple’s romance and breakup. ...
Make certain that your puppy’s parents have been tested for all genetic diseases common in your breed of choice. You have too much at stake with your new team member to pour thousands of hours of training, love and socialization into him or her only to loose your friend to a genetic mi...
Human is to be humane, one would hope. So to eliminate other people because they just don’t fit with our “pack” is the exact opposite of being human. If it is the exact opposite of being human, then that would make us nothing more than animals inside. If it is to be believed ...
Odds are, you aren’t the only one here for the holiday. Find the other Christmas Orphans in your extended circle of friends who also chose to stay in town and make plans with them. And hopefully find someone who can cook and will cook you a fancy, Vegan-Gluten-Soy-Free Christmas dinn...
Always Carry a trash bag and whistle:A trash bag is easy to carry in your pocket and easy to make into a jacket. It will provide you protection from water and cold. A whistle is easy to carry and can be heard from a longer distance than yelling. ...
Why not make your ideas count for something? Do you have difficulty in getting ideas in the first place? It is interesting to note that your education, race, age or experience have nothing to do with your success as an idea producer. You do not have to be a scientist, a technician, ...
Since no one but you will read or see your journal, you can consider it a safe place to write, doodle, paint, or draw—you can even paste pictures from a magazine to make a collage. Using many ways to express yourself helps process grief. In a journal, you don’t have to be conce...
Or God originally gave life, and all generations thereafter come from human beings giving life? Or every life is 100% given by God? Parents have little to do with giving birth to a child? My personal belief: I believe we should honor our parents. A...