Vape juice flavor concentrates– These determine what your juice will ultimately taste like. Make sure you only use concentrates made specifically for vape juice and stay away from stuff like essential oils—and any type of oil in general. There are thousands of concentrates to choose from, which...
The blunt can be called a classic homemade cannabis cigar. It is, however, much bigger than the traditional cigar or other vaporizers like joint and spliff. Although making your own blunt is easy and cheaper, you can also buy ready-made blunt wrappers that are ready to roll right away. ...
In some instances, you may be in a situation where you have absolutely nothing to roll your weed with in the form of a real joint paper. this should not worry you because once that craving strikes, you will have to take care of it. You can make a homemade bong or turn an ordinary ...
Vape How to Make Cannabis Eliquid February 24, 2015 by anthony1230 146 comments Have you seen anyone vaping and wondered what they’re vaping on? Ever seen someone vaping a yellowing orange tint or even green liquid in their vaporizer and wondered what that was? Well, that’s cannabis...
Any suggestions on how to make grapefruit royal tea? It’s my favorite at the tea shop and I’d love to make it at home! Reply Lisa Lin says Hi, Cady! I’ve never heard of that before. What does it taste like? Reply Beth Knight says Just made this for my granddaughter, she...
Learn how to store cannabis post cure with the original terpene shield to preserve your home grown medicine. Save terps & protect cannabiniods with Boveda.
Hash:Hash is a hardened, solid piece of compressed kief. It's possible to make hash at home by collecting enough kief, folding it between two pieces of wax paper, and pressing it with a hair straightener or an iron. Dry sift:Dry sift can be another term to describe kief because the ...
由某种东西制成的 been made from something. 一定… Ttheres… 会产生污染的 不管是生产这包薯片 been pollution made to make that bag of chips 还是你买hearts;hearts;的任何东西 or whatever youre buying. 所以人就该放弃 So is that person gonna give up 日常生活里的一切吗? everything that they ...
No. Sometimes I’ll do a dropper of CBD, but I don’t have a vape or anything. There’s a pretty strange and amazing moment on the song “Refute,” where Kim Gordon sings a campy verse that might make some people think of her recent divorce from Thurston Moore. I wrote that song....
Early homemade fan controllers used a simple “volt mod” by choosing 5, 7 or 12V from a classic molex connector. It was followed by the use of ordinary resistors to slow the fans down, fans equipped with thermal resistors, various potentiometers for a wide range manual speed control, etc...