There is nothing more satisfying than creating your own home-made greeting card. Even though your greeting card is homemade it is still your intellectual property. In order to protect your property, you must have your greeting card copyrighted. Copyrighting creative work sounds like a complex, a...
After you learn how to make greeting cards, you can express your heartfelt sentiments with style. Friends and family always are touched by the thought and effort that a homemade greeting card communicates. Making greeting cards is a great activity for parents and kids to share. It's fun, ...
Making homemade Easter cards is a fun and easy craft for kids to enjoy for Easter. In fact, kids will have a blast making handmade greeting cards for any holiday of the year. Pop up cards are especially fun for kids to create so today we are sharing how to make a pop up Easter ...
Making homemade cards has never been easier than it is with the Cricut Joy. With the genius Card Mat, you can whip up custom cards in minutes using Cricut Insert Cards or Cutaway Cards.
Making homemade cards is such a fun activity for any age. You can make a unique greeting card for every possible occasion like celebrations, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries or simply just to brighten someone’s day unexpectedly and let them know you are thinking of them. This colorful butter...
8. Simple custom stationery made in Microsoft Word When you said that you’d like to make your very own stationery, did you actually mean that you think you’d enjoydesigningsome cut graphics and sayings or personalizations you hadn’t seen before, rather than making the individual cards by...
There are many ways that you can make greeting cards at home, including printing them out from your computer, using craft...
I want to share a little story. When I was a little girl, we had a schoolArt Classand our project wasto makea stuffed animal. I remember making a fish and my friend, Alina, made a dinosaur. We each liked each other’s better and we ended up trading. When I got home, I told ...
Once dry, these pressed flowers can be used in a myriad of creative projects, from homemade greeting cards to decorative bookmarks. How Silica Gel Preserves Freshness Silica gel is excellent for preserving the three-dimensional shape and vibrant color of flowers. To use this method, bury the ...
Homemade Cards for Kids to Make If you are looking for some great ideas for homemade cards that kids can make, we’ve got you covered. This post includes ideas for birthday cards, get well soon cards, kindness cards, thank you cards, thinking of you cards and general greeting cards that...