If you’d rather save some cash, however, you can make a good fish fertilizer at home with the method I share in my video. Though it smells terrible at first, the smell settles down over time and it becomes a marvelous homemade fertilizer that costs very little. Just grab some fish o...
If you’re looking to keep your plants healthy and happy, you may be wondering whether you should use homemade plant food or store-bought plant food. While both options can provide your plants with the nutrients they need to thrive, there are several reasons why you may want to consider ...
For all the bits that are leftover from your home-caught fish dinners, they can be transformed into a nutrient-rich fertilizer. Never mind spending tons of money at the hardware store: you can easily make your own homemade fish emulsion at home. Gather Your Ingredients To make homemade fis...
I set the oven at 180°, but I found that they looked like they were drying too fast so I reduced it to around 170° after about 10 hours. Over all, it took about 17 hours to make with a flip at around 12 hours. I was expecting 18 to 24 hours, so if your oven can ...
Instead of using synthetic fertilizer, you can improve the health of your garden with home made compost. There are plenty of ways to make earth friendly fertilizer by composting your food scraps, and doing so also cuts down on the amount of gas that the garbage truck burns. Instead of throw...
Nettles, horsetail, yellow dock, chickweed, and comfrey make wonderful homemade rose fertilizers. Weeds can be used in several ways to make your own fertilizer orspeed up a compost pile. If the weeds have not flowered, they can be dried in the sun and chopped up to use as mulch. The ...
Your compost bin should be close enough to your home to make adding kitchen scraps convenient, but far enough to keep any potential smells at a distance. Consider the path you’ll take to the bin. Ensure it’s clear and easy to navigate in all weather conditions. ...
When you want to grow vigorous blooming and fruit-bearing plants, it’s essential to use a specially formulated bloom boosting fertilizer. In this article, we discuss both commercially prepared and homemade bloom boosters. Pin Our Latest Videos ...
The next time you find yourself covered in itchy bug bites or a bad rash, apply your homemade calamine lotion as you would store-bought. The relief it brings, and the peace of mind, is well worth the little bit of effort it takes to make. ...
10. Make Your Own Chicken Tractor Step-by-step guide onbuilding a chicken tractorto provide a safe and movable home for your poultry. Discover an inventive approach to farming with cattle panels onLazy B Farm's Blog. Learn from our hands-on experience making a versatile, portable farm struct...