Once you learn the basics, you'll be able to make delicious homemade chocolates that look amazing too. Thanks for stopping by to learn how to make homemade chocolates. I have been a chocolatier for over 30 years and am so excited to share these chocolate-making tips with you. I have b...
Really all it takes is a little precision and patience – and if you watch the video I made for you and follow the instructions, you will be on your way to tempering beautiful, shiny, hard chocolate in no time! Tempered chocolate is wonderful to use when making homemade candy, such as...
It's easy to make homemade caramels. All you need to make these satiny-smooth, chewy candies are sugar, corn syrup, evaporated milk, whipping cream, and butter. Cool the caramel in the pan, cut into squares, and wrap them up in waxed paper, twisting the ends to seal. Get the reci...
But there are also chocolate candies you can easily make at home, such as truffles. To make the best truffles you have to start with the best ingredients. Learn how to choose the right chocolate for the job, how to melt chocolate, and how to make ganache for rich, decadent chocolate ...
How to Make Chocolate From Scratch: Chocolate is a food that is simultaneously ubiquitous and mysterious. Chocolate is everywhere - in cakes, in candies, in beverages. Yet few people really know how chocolate is made. Even fewer have actually set their e
Clapboards and chimney, window and door decor are homemade cookies you attach with special frosting ([vintage] kit has recipes and directions). Roof and ridgepole cookies are packaged. A peanut-brittle path leads to the door, and other candies add colorful trim. Trees are paper cones covered...
I wanted to make gingerbread house for a very long time. Finally made it this year. It turned out so cute than I expected. Even though this is a hard task and takes lots of your time, but your kids will love it. You can bake the cookies a day in advance and decorate it the next...
So, without further ado, I give you homemade, natural food coloring! Homemade Food Coloring: Best Practices to Make Sure Your Dyes Work First things first. Four things to keep in mind: 1. Natural colorants often lend a more demure hue than their petroleum-laden cousins. This is merely du...
Bring spooky spider cookies to the Halloween party! This recipe calls for a moist peanut butter cookie as the base. The spiders are made with candy and icing.
Bourbon balls are a decadent candy recipe for grown-ups. This no-bake dessert is made with crushed cookies, nuts, and chocolate, and rolled in festive coatings.