Learning how to make peanut butter at home is one of the easiest ways to keep healthy staples on hand, and save your budget! Homemade peanut butter is quick and easy, you can control the flavors and nutrition, and all you need to make it, besides peanuts, is a food processor or a h...
How to make peanut butter Peanut butter is one of my favorite snack foods, whether it’s spread on toast or baked into cookies, there is seriously no bad time for it! I wanted to see whether I could make a batch of it at home, rather than buying it from the store, and guys, it...
If using peanuts to make peanut butter, remove shells and discard. Remove the skin by rubbing the peanuts together in your hands held over a salad spinner, allowing the peanuts and skins to fall into the bowl. Once the skin has been loosened from all of the peanuts close the salad spinne...
Guess what I’m doing at 9:00 on a Sunday night? If you guessed making homemade peanut butter, then you’d be right. (That’s what we do for a good time out here on the prairie. We’re wild like that…) Peanut butter can actually be a very healthy food. That is, when it’...
Peanut butter or almond butter: which one is better for you? How to eat it If you love almond butter, it might come as a surprise that you can make it at home in just a few minutes. And with 1 ingredient! In this post, I will guide you through all the simple steps (with photos...
Giving your home a toxic-free “makeover” to support a new lifestyle learning how to be healthy can seem daunting at first, but it shouldn’t be. Learning how to be healthy is as simple as making your own home & beauty products or purchasing healthy living products from trusted brands ...
One thing you can do is prepare your own baby food at home. Is It Cheaper To Make Your Own Baby Food? Making baby food can be a cheaper, healthier option to commercial baby foods. You can have control over which ingredients to use and what your baby’s first foods will be. There ar...
Homemade pumpkin seed butter is a delicious treat that is rich in healthy fats! This creamy spread is a great nut-free butter alternative.
Cook at home instead of dining out:cooking at home is much more budget-wise. Sure, treat yourself now and then, but try to make the majority of meals at home. Watch my video on3 Healthier Takeout Options to Make at Home! Opt for clean-eating meals:Ican’t say enough aboutclean eatin...
If you work from home or want a quick snack before rushing off, you can eat grapes or bananas for the same boosting effect. However, if you’ve had too much fruit today, or simply want something with a bit more crunch, there are other options. You can make peanut butter rice krispie...