It's here, in the space of hard choices, that we get to exercise our normative power -- the power to create reasons for yourself, 唯有在这个有艰难抉择的世界里,我们才能锻炼自己的规范性力量,来创造自我的原由, to make yourself into the kind of person...
It's here, in the space of hard choices, that we get to exercise our normative power -- the power to create reasons for yourself, 唯有在这个有艰难抉择的世界里,我们才能锻炼自己的规范性力量,来创造自我的原由, to make yourself into the kind of person...
TED:《如何作出艰难抉择(How to make hard choices)》“与其从外界苦苦寻找理由,我们不如问问自己,我究竟想成为什么样的人?” Hard choices are not a curse, but a godsend. #决战考研# #在微博过暑假# ht...
There's another reason for thinking that hard choices aren't choices between equally good options.Suppose you have a choice between two jobs: you could be aninvestment(the use of money to get a profit or to make a business activity successful, or the money that is used)banker or agraphic...
Here's a talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I pursue? Should I break up -- or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. But that's because we think about them the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. She...
前两天看了这个有关于艰难选择的TED Talk,一下子让我对艰难的选择以及如何做决定有了与以往不同的认识,很受启发。于是决定把这个演讲翻译出来,分享给更多的人。听听这个演讲有可能真正改变你的生活。 这个演讲关于生活中我们都经常面临的很多困难的选择:应该选择什么样的职业?应该分手还是结婚?应该在哪里居住?等等。
You might decide to be a pink sock-wearing, cereal-loving, country-living banker, and I might decide to be a black sock-wearing, urban, donut-loving artist. What we do in hard choices is very much up to each of us. 所以当面对艰难抉择,不应该拿脑袋撞墙绞尽脑汁地去想哪个选项更优。最佳...
How to Make Hard Choices What makes a hard choice hard is the way alternatives relate. In any easy choice, one alternative is better than the other. In a hard choice, one alternative is better in some ways, the other alternative is better in other ways, and neither is better than the ...
we're making a mistake, are silent as to what to do. It's here, in the space of hard choices, that we get to exercise our normative power -- the power to create reasons for yourself, to make yourself into the kind of person for whom country living is preferable to the urban life...