If you’re not a fan of their plain flavor and want to know how to make pork rinds taste better, try one of these seasoning variations to make flavored pork rinds. Simply add the seasonings right after frying, while the rinds are still hot — the residual oil will make the seasonings ...
Learn how to make the perfect popcorn every time, four ways including herb and cheez, matcha dark chocolate, turmeric spiced, and cinnamon sea salt. Gluten-free and vegan. I have the fondest of memories enjoying popcorn as a snack especially in the evening with my parents as a child; it ...
Is popcorn good for you? It makes a great healthy snack! Here's how to make healthy microwave popcorn with just popcorn kernels and a paper lunch sack!
🍿Maple Popcorn Recipe MY LATEST VIDEOS Thismaple butter popcornis one of the best low-effort ways to make flavored popcorn, IMHO. Here are the ingredients you need to make mypopcorn maple syruprecipe: 6 cups air poppedpopcorn ½ cupmaple syrup (100% pure maple syrup) ...
We Scream for Flavored Ice Cream I like to make the homemade ice cream base and then let everyone’s individual taste buds take over to invent their own favorite flavor. Plus, if you’re looking to create a DIY ice cream bar that doesn’t take forever to create, this recipe will be ...
We love to make flavored and infused syrups based off of the simple base recipe of homemade simple syrup. A one to one recipe, meaning equal parts 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water and you have simple syrup! Try our Watermelon Syrup, too!
Sweet corn is grown for its juicy, plump, sweet-flavored kernels. Corn can be eaten steamed, boiled, or roasted. Grow corn in the warm time of the year. Direct sow corn after all danger of frost has passed. Make succession sowings for a continuous harvest throughout the growing season....
Today, the condiment has many different flavors, and is used as a topping for many things, other than just rice! I love it sprinkled on popcorn. Furikake sprinkled on our Roasted Peanuts is addictive! Roasted Peanuts in Microwave The first step is to combine 1 cup of water with your desir...
Hops –If you make your own beer, you’ve gotta grow your own hops. Horseradish –An invasive plant, with sharp flavored roots. Jerusalem Artichoke –Nothing like globe artichoke. They are a tuber. Kale –Extremely healthy and nutritious. Very easy to grow and very hardy. Kohlrabi –Looking...
Spices:Offer cinnamon sticks, nutmeg, or pumpkin spice for those who love a hint of warmth. These make for perfect additions to hot cocoa or even apple cider. Syrups:Flavored syrups like vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and peppermint are popular choices for jazzing up coffee or hot chocolate. ...