If Rome was not built in a day, why do you think you can be? When we want to make a change in life, especially a big change, it can be daunting. If we decide to lose several pounds, it’s easy to give up when we...
To make sure we don't continue to spend the rest of our lives trapped in a job unwittingly chosen for us by our unknowing 16 year-old selves, we need to be properly generous about the amount of time we'll need to give this.要确保我们不会永远困在 16 岁懵懂时期选择的工作里,就需要...
吉姆·健特(Jim Gent)说,"「教会」一词在新约中使用了大约100次…教会并非神后来想起之后补充进去的…对早期基督徒来说,地方教会是神所指定的、并藉此〔惟一〕组织去工作的地方,别无他处"(Jim Gent,The Local Church: God's Plan for Planet Earth,Smyrna Publications, 1994, 第81, 83, 84页 )。 翻...
I read once in a daily devotional book by Susie Larson that God doesn’t make things nice, He makes things new. How right she is. Thank you, Susie, I needed to read that. Resting in God is the key to letting Him do what He has planned. Don’t take the burden back up and carry...
How to Make a God(2022) Short|15 min|Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Cody is a computer savant, working on his magnum opus, a true Artificial Intelligence. Jessie is his housemate, a lazy stoner barely managing to pass her modern history degree. When Cody cracks the code and manages ...
The next step is to notice them. This takes some skill, because your brain wants to ignore such gaps in order to make a simpler model of the world. Many discoveries have come from asking questions about things that everyone else took for granted. [2] 下一步是关注这些缺口。这需要一些技巧...
The Lord YHWH voiced His reaction Tuesday in the presence of several ministering angels, with the understanding that those divine emissaries will convey His displeasure at continued human refusal to apply their basic mental faculties, and through them to rea...
, created in Christ Jesus to do good works…”), the Greek word translated workmanship ispoiema,the same word from which we get the English word, poem. We are God’s poem, His art. And we are created to do good works, our art. We are art, as Emily says, and we make art....
This can be difficult to do sometimes. In fact, budgeting your money can seem daunting,especially since people usually make it much more complicated than it needs to be. These easy tips will help you see that sticking to a budget is not nearly as difficult as it seems!
Thank you to this nice ideas , acutely l already start with some of it and l know same of it ,my suggestion is to get a training from you in YouTube for example. It will very god step from you. My regards Malik Reply Y By YVDdesign ...