Glow sticks contain hydrogen peroxide and phenol, and when bent create a chemical reaction that produces a glow for an hour or so. Higher temperatures make them glow brighter but less long. If you bend them after activating the chemical reaction the plastic outer layer can crack or break, spi...
Anglers are always looking for an edge and a way to make their baits more attractive to fish. That is why many of them -- especially ice fishermen -- use glow sticks. Although glow sticks are most useful at attracting fish in stained or murky water, you can also used them to attract ...
when the glow stick is cracked, the ingredients composed of hydrogen, peroxide, water, sodium carbonate and copper sulfate pentahydrate mix to create a neon glowing light. Glow sticks come in a variety of colors and tubes. Recharging
How fireflies communicate: your students can use glow sticks to shed light on animal signals.Kepler, Lynne
every dayif I wish to start a spider war, so these loot are not viable to be placed in chests. As for the weather pains, well, I was too lazy to make a couple chests just to place them, so I placed them where the down feathers were supposed to be. You can tell from...
When you buy glow sticks, the "crack" noise to activate them is breaking a little glass vial of hydrogen peroxide. 7 Add larger quantities of TCPO and Sodium Acetate to make the reaction go on for longer. If you so desire, mess around with the recipe to see what warrants the best res...