In our own situation, we used to think about something we wanted to buy at the store and then go get it right away.Now, we wait until we have many places to go that are near each other and make one trip out of it, unless it is a matter of life and death that we go now. It...
Adulthood, peak of what we did not yet know would be the first dot-com boom, living on the edge of an ocean my 24/7 job crisscrossing the country hardly afforded me time to see, I hopped a last-minute flight to join friends in Thailand, ferried to Koh-Phi-Phi, an island in the...
We’ll also talk about the foundation you’ll need to build in order to use the elements of suspense to good effect in your own stories. For example, in order for readers to experience suspense in your stories, they need to be mindfully present and meaningfully invested. You learn all of...
Where to eat outside of Ocean Park While bringing outside food in the park is forbidden, visitors can consider timing their meals before or after visiting the theme park. Alternatively, you can leave the park for lunch and reenter later the same day. Make sure you tell a staff member at...
That’s where your brand comes in. Your brand’s message should be clear on what your product gives to the user. That is the before and after. Before your product, I was frustrated with my lack of income, after your product, I know how to make money, I am motivated and happy. ...
There's no getting around the fact that you must love to write. You don't have to be a great writer to blog. But, you need to enjoy writing as much as you enjoy eating a juicy double cheeseburger with garlic cheese fries. Creativity is what will alsomake you feel rich!
Think about it from their perspective. To ask them to “cover your company” is to ask them to do a whole bunch of work. They’d have to research you, come up with an angle, craft a headline, make a graphic or photos and thenhopethe story does well. ...