卡耐基从小家境贫困,但是凭借敏锐的观察力和乐观自信的母亲的鼓励,他走上了一条演讲之路,并且凭借开拓性和启发性的书籍给无数人的生活带来了改变。 他的第一本书 《how to make friends and influence people》就是由一篇篇日积月累的演讲逐步汇集成册的。他敢于尝试,敢于在探索中成就自我的勇气让我深受鼓舞。人...
Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) described himself as a "simple country boy" from Missouri but was also a pioneer of the self-improvement genre. Since the 1936 publication of his first book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, he has touched millions of readers and his classic works continue...
世界经典文学名著系列:人性的弱点 How to Win Friends and Influence People(全英文版) 作者: Dale Carnegie 出版年: 2016-11-1页数: 233装帧: 平装ISBN: 9787501592425豆瓣评分 6.4 12人评价 5星 25.0% 4星 16.7% 3星 41.7% 2星 16.7% 1星 0.0% ...
Dale Carnegie used to say that it was easier to make a million dollars than to put a phrase into the English language. 他不止一次地说过:赚100万不难,难的是在英语中加入一个新的短语。 卡耐基做到了!”How to win friends & influence people”走进了英语短语的行列,在无数英语使用者中广为流传!
Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most Out of This Book音频:00:0001:49合集#朗读551个 Good morning! 今天的练习内容来自经常被推荐的书籍,Dale Carnegie 的How to Make Friends and Influence People。中文译名挺有意思:《人...
There are many books about friendship, but Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, written in1936, is the most famous one. This “how to”book about getting along with other people became a best seller. It was later translated(翻译) into 28 languages.Dale Carnegie's ...
《How To Win Friends And Influence People》是Simon & Schuster (New York)出版的图书,作者是Dale Carnegie 内容简介 Since its initial publication eighty years ago, How to Win Friends & Influence People has sold over fifteen million copies worldwide. In his book, Carnegie explains that success ...
But Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, written in 1936, is the most famous. 一句可知。(2)考查细节。根据However, we may not want to make the first move when we feel shy. 可知答案为C。(3)考查细节。根据But Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People,...