What you’re keepin’ to yourself; why you in such a hurry, nervous? I know what it means to hide. Lithium, this’ll morals. Nine more lithium! We gotta lift, now that once makes you sleep. My sweet swan. Look at him go, to the lake, the ancient lake. There we are. He’s ...
The latter, according to foodies and native Italian speakers, is correct. 1,188 votes Been saying it wrong, too? Photo: Żółwiciel Wikimedia Commons CC BY 3.0 3 Rooibos Rooibos is a South African shrub (AKA Aspalathus linearis) whose leaves are often used to make hot or cold teas...
I could make popcorn. I knew how to make tea and coffee. Oh, and I knew how to bake, but Portuguese views of cakes are completely different from the US (they PREFER them dry.) So on my first day as a married woman, after my husband went to work, I set about looking for stuff ...
Turner used the frontier to understand all the essential facts of American life: our culture, way of government, national spirit, our position among world powers, even the “struggle” of slavery. The endless opportunity for westward expansion was a beckoning call that shaped the American way o...
In the good ol' days, you'd hand over your credit card to the clerk, who would then usethis strange contraptionto make an imprint of it. The sound? Well, let's just say it was unforgettable, kind of like a guillotine dropping. Probably similar to how your parents felt every time you...
WTFWhat To Fix WTFWhat's This For? WTFWelcome to Finland WTFWhere's the Food? WTFWomen Take Flight WTFWho the Freak?(polite form) WTFWhat the French Toast? WTFWords That Follow(online game) WTFWaste Treatment Facility WTFWhy The Freak(polite form) ...
Benbas // WikiCommons #46. Chesapeake Bay retriever Commonly known as theChessie, Chesapeake Bay retrievers can be a bit difficult to train. They want to do things their own way (especially headstrong puppies), and will find a way to do so. They do make excellent support animals, though,...
Although if one lived in the country it would make sense. Which reminds me when I shared a house with an ex-barista in the Barossa years ago. He had the real deal machine and grinder that took up a heap of space but I did get quite addicted to my morning latte and didn’t mi...
And then we can think about, “Well, what is it that we can do to bring that smile onto our customers’ face?” And that actually simple change from satisfied customers to make our customers smile, engages people more and motivates them more. It produces better outcomes, better products, ...
7. The presupposition that everyone capable of speech and action is entitled to participate, and everyone is equally entitled to introduce new topics or express attitudes needs or desires.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_pragmatics