GGMAP : Unable to create points on the map Writing Greek in Rstudio Single and double Quotes at SQLQuery connected to Presto Empty spaces instead of wormplots (wp() function in GAMLSS module) A cry for help with boot() How do I make an ad hoc smoothing parameter in the Ad...
The first step in conducting a meta-analysis, as with any other empirical study, is the definition of the research question. Most importantly, the research question determines the realm of constructs to be considered or the type of interventions whose effects shall be analyzed. When defining the ...
Demonstrated how to make full use of the fuel-related data obtained from advanced on-board FMS of 3PL companies to contribute to road freight decarburization. (ii) Evaluated the driver’s awareness of fuel-saving factors based on the results of data mining, which enhances the reliability of ...
Healthcare workers perform clinical behaviours which impact on patient diagnoses, care, treatment and recovery. Some methods of supporting healthcare workers in changing their behaviour make use of social norms by exposing healthcare workers to the belie
a forest plot provides a good overview of the different findings and their accuracy. However, this figure will be less feasible for meta-analyses with several hundred effect sizes included. Also, results displayed in the tables and figures must be explained verbally in the results and discussion ...
All in all, due to increasing population and urbanization rates and changing diets, the global demand for food is increasing, along with prices of food, over a longer period. The limitations in the global food supply and the rising demands for energy and agricultural products make agriculture ...
However, before the purchase of additional animals, cattle farmers need to make sure they have enough land for cattle grazing, as the availability of feed from the crop land in the post-harvest season is limited, whereas purchased feed is expensive. The need for land for livestock raising, ...