Tkinter actually has a variety of ways in which we may change the font type and size. Tkinter has several built in fonts, which can complicate things, especially when you realize that Each widget only uses one of these fonts. However, this also gives us the option to individually change th...
We could also set the font with afontobject oftkFontmodule. importtkinterastkimporttkinter.fontastkFont root=tk.Tk()root.geometry("400x240")textExample=tk.Text(root,height=10)textExample.pack()fontExample=tkFont.Font(family="Arial",size=16,weight="bold",slant="italic")textExample.configure...
theme('DarkAmber') ##!font = ('Courier New', 11) ##!font = ('Helvetica', 10) font = None LONG_TXT = 'ParameterNameToLongToFitIntoAColumn' headings = ['File', 'Parameter', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bam', 'biz'] data = [['A', LONG_TXT, 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G...
In label font size can be controlled using keywordfont Syntax: In this syntaxwsis the master that we are using, font-name could be any font supported by ms word like Arial, Times new roman, Calibri, etc. weight can be Bold, italic, underline. Label(ws, text="any text here", font=(...
How to bind the Enter key to a function in Tkinter Binding the Enter key and a Button to a function in Tkinter # How to bind the Enter key to a function in Tkinter You can use the root.bind() method to bind the Enter key to a function. The method takes the key sequence and the...
Tkinter Button size Tkinter Button Color Colour plays an important role in making the application look attractive & eye-catchy. Buttons can also be painted in any colour. there are 2 sections that need to be colored. first is the background of the button second is the font color bg keyword...
On this page, once the Show Dialog button is clicked, the onClick event listener is activated, and it pops up the component that we wish to drag. The MainApp.css contains the stylings that beautify the page: Code Snippet (MainApp.css): .Title { font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px;...
In the above code, we are creating the main window using theTk()function that comes with Tkinter. We then define the dimensions of the window with thegeometry()function. To give the window a title, we are using thetitle()function. ...
password_label = tkinter.Label(frame, text="Password", bg='#8F00FF', fg="#FFFFFF", font=("Arial",16,'bold')) Define two entry widgets to get the data from the user. Set the parent window you want to place it in along with the font styles. Use theshowattribute as an asterisk...
Tkinter allows you to create desktop applications. It offers a variety of widgets like buttons, labels, and text boxes that make it easier to develop applications likea simple GUI calendar, a calculator, or ato-do list manager. To install Tkinter, open a terminal and run: ...