This flying geese block pattern brings you over halfway through this 12-month quilt along. This is a super fun and easy-to-recreate quilt block pattern that is perfect as the next addition to your 12-block quilt. If you have not been following along with Quilt Block of the Month series...
What Is a Block Quilt? Piece by Piece What Is the Average Size of a Quilt Block? How to Make a Quilt Block – Step by Step Step 1: Choose Your Pattern Step 2: Gather Materials and Tools Step 3: Cut the Patchwork Step 4: Stitch the Patchwork Step 5: Baste the Quilt Step 6: Choo...
A Maple Star Quilt Block is a simple 9-patch quilt block featuring a combination of rectangles, squares, and flying geese blocks. Maple Star Blocks sewn by Hello Melly. It seems more complicated to make than it is. The balance of the rectangles and squares gives the block balance. Also, ...
Learn how to make quilts with our patterns, tips and tutorials. Find hundreds of project ideas and how-to articles to get you started.
Learn how to make quilts with our patterns, tips and tutorials. Find hundreds of project ideas and how-to articles to get you started.
of Quilting Trunk Show. Quilting books and products to look for at your Local Quilt Shop. 12 different Sew Easy Lesson™ techniques to practice and improve your skills: 3-Color Hourglass Units, 8-at-a-Time Triangle Squares, Making Bands, Paper Foundation Piecing, Quick-Pieced Flying Geese,...
To Make Shoulder Straps; Fold one of the shoulder straps in half lengthwise Stitch along the outside edge using a ¼″ seam allowance. Leave one end of the strap open and miter the end of the other side of the strap. Turn the strap right side out. For this step, I find it helpful...
One of the cool things about this quilt is the jelly roll has enough strips to make two quilts. I separated out all of the colors I wanted to use and saved the rest. For my quilt I chose the blue/turquoise/pink/gray strips. I left out the low value colors and the greens and gold...
Play It Again, Fresh and Scrappy fun with vintage blocks: Patchwork Fence block can be used to make fun borders or add to row quilts. Sherilyn Mortensen of shows you 7 Designs for Collage Quilting, step-by-step motifs that look beautiful together in Quilting the Quilt. ...