I'm not sure how to make this page Scrollable if the content is bigger than the height, keeping all widgets original sizes, but if the body content is short, then just display the body text and keep the buttons at the bottom flutter ...
In my Flutter project, in one page I have some rows including card align vertically. Now, I want this screen to make scroll-able. I have tried replacing the column toListviewbut it didn't work. I also tried to wrap it withSingleChildScrollviewbut didn't work. It shows like below image...
Maybe this article could solve the problem: https://www.davidanaya.io/flutter/combine-multiple-gestures.html 👍 1 Contributor jaumard commented Nov 4, 2019 Look like the way to go @Burgomehl ! Thanks for the interesting link :) If anyone want to do a PR in that way feel free, ...
I need someone skilled in Photoshoptohelpmemake a person in a group photo smile. The person is fully visible in the picture and I want the smiletobe subtle, not too obvious but still noticeable. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Experience in photo editing and retouching - ...
How to make screen scrollable in flutter? I have flexible text widget at the top of screen in which will be some text that may be really big. If text in it become really big user might scroll the screen down to find other widgets on this screen...
0 How to scroll one widget at a time in flutter 0 Flutter page is not scrollable: How to scroll when more than one widget? 3 Flutter: I need to make the widgets scrollable so that whenever i'm scrolling with list view they will follow 2 How to make whole screen s...
when i remove single child scroll view everything except scroling is working but is there is any way to implement scrollable? ListPage import'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';import'package:flutter/material.dart';classListPageextendsStatefulWidget{@override_ListPageState createState...
2 How to use flutter NestedScrollView? 0 How to achieve this using NestedScrollView? 1 Scroll listeners on NestedScrollView's outer body 0 Scrollable Tabs in flutter 10 Flutter: TabBarView inside SingleChildScrollView 5 How to create a tabbar that sync with a widget scr...
I try to solve Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget Exception caught by widgets library: Incorrect use of ParentDataWidget. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:user_profile_example/data.dart'; import 'package:user_profile_example/widget/cookbook_item.dart'; class bookmar...
It displays one page. I would like to display all pages. One below another, or place some buttons to change page or even better load all standard controls of PDF.JS like in Firefox. How to acomplish this? PDFJS has a member variablenumPages, so you'd just iterate through them.BUTit...