code like this: @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new AnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>( value: SystemUiOverlayStyle.light, child: new Scaffold( backgroundColor: ThemeTypeModel.backgroundColor, body: FastAppPage<H...
For everyone, who is looking for a solution: Go to the top of your widget tree Add ScrollConfiguration widget above it flutter doctor -v
The standard approach to rendering scrollable lists within an iPhone application is to use a UITableView. So you’ll next add one of these to the view controller that was created as part of the project template. Click on SHCViewController.xib in order to open the Interface Builder and drag...
Maybe this article could solve the problem: 👍 1 Contributor jaumard commented Nov 4, 2019 Look like the way to go @Burgomehl ! Thanks for the interesting link :) If anyone want to do a PR in that way feel free, ...