A flower border is generally, but not always, long and narrow. How deep your bed needs to be will partially depend on how long the bed is. The proportions of the bed are important. A short bed doesn't need to be as deep, a 3 foot by 8 foot bed will look...
Building a beautiful flower bed is well worth the time and effort it takes to get it going. And when you know how to do it, it’s really not that hard at all! Read on for a handy step-by-step guide on how to make a flower bed you can enjoy all season long. ...
A splash of bright orange poppies brightens up a flower border. Color, size and shape variations work together to enliven a flower bed without being overwhelming. The repetition of purple throughout this flower garden brings unity to the design. Subtly layering flowers from low-growers to tall ...
You'll want to be extra careful not to smudge any of the ink. After the bell is completed, make the red bow and green border. 3. To mount the aida cloth on the parchment card, apply a thin line of glue along the edges of the back of the aida cloth. Position the cloth on the ...
Creating a neat edge between your lawn and flower beds is one of the quickest ways to improve your garden's appearance. You can maintain your lawn edge by regularly cutting it, or you can build a barrier to prevent the grass from invading your flower bed
Mulch can be attractive too, so you might want to try decorative bark or woodchip mulch. Each will provide an attractive surface that adds a decorative and useful finish to flower beds, around the base of trees and along the edges of paths. Make sure you water the ground thoroughly before...
The best time to prep a bed for an iris installation is actually the season before you intend to plant. This will give the soil a chance to settle and organic additives a chance to fully incorporate. It’ll also give you a chance to monitor the bed for proper drainage and make adjustmen...
Bark mulch provides a suitable medium for building a quick path. The natural look of the mulch integrates seamlessly into a garden bed. Bark paths work best in areas away from entryways so the mulch isn't tracked indoors. Large bark pieces are heavier an
Try these easy tips about how to start a garden! Whether you want to save money on food or you just like the idea of having a garden, this post is for you!
9 DIY raised bed garden ideas •Plant perennial mums in beds or borders in the early spring or fall as perennials.They come back each fall with more flowers. •Plant chrysanthemums in swaths or clumps of the same colorand flower type. Mass plantings are pleasing to the eye. ...