All trees in a radius of 7 chunks (each chunk = 16x16 blocks) from where a player is standing will make attempts to grow at random times. Trees will usually not grow until nearly 30 minutes after the time you planted the saplings. When the tree attempts to grow, it first c...
Once you’ve changed the tick speed value in Minecraft and your server crashes, this means you set it too high or have too many events happening in-game. Make sure to avoid increasing it by too much, as a golden rule is to gradually increase it. However, solving this problem is a bit...
For example, players can create farms, custom shops, and more by using advanced commands. How to Get Command Blocks in MinecraftThe first step is to go to and log into your account.Once logged in, go to "Servers" and click on "Manage server"....
Way less toxic fans. Don't make them all hate Pokémon and try to start wars with the Pokémon fandom. Get rid of all the Rule 34 pictures and bad fanfictions. Get rid of the pointless crossover ships that pair up Digimon characters or monsters with thos
can utilize redstone dust, repeaters, pistons, and other components to build intricate mechanisms, automated farms, trap systems, hidden doors, and more. Redstone engineering adds a layer of electrical and mechanical complexity to Minecraft, allowing players to design and create functional contraptions...
Fighting withers in Minecraft is a dangerous, yet satisfying adventure for many players to experience. Just make sure to gather enough Wither Skulls for them, which is mainly done through mob farms. Building one, before killing Wither Skeletons, will speed everything up and become more efficient...
Rots in 6 days. What makes carrots awesome: Can be used to befriend bunnymen. Can be grown in farms and used as emergency food. Can be used with traps. How to get carrots: Will randomly grow throughout the map and can be picked. Can be planted and picked from farm. 2. Drumstick Im...
Minecraft Servers How can I Check A Minecraft Server’s Difficulty? You can change Minecraft’s difficulty without the need to restart. Keep in mind that you need to be the operator on your server to use this command. If not, you won’t have permission on the actual server to use comman...
Everyone loves Minecraft, regardless of age, from kids to seniors. Some people like to explore the game, looking for resources and running from creepers, while others prefer to build great structures like the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower, and some concentrate on their own houses, farms, and...
You should check your light levels in Minecraft to prevent monsters from spawning in low-lit areas. Each light block has specific light levels that will increase your defense. By checking and maintaining light levels, you can prevent these dangerous mobs from appearing near your base, farms, or...