One of the most useful tools in Photoshop are layer masks. They help to refine your layers while making non-destructive edits. Often times you’ll find yourself needing to duplicate a layer mask but there’s no easy ‘right-click solution’. So what’s the best way to duplicate a layer...
Learn how to create flower text art in Photoshop. Use a flower stock image with simple text and a few layer styles, filters, textures, and adjustments to create your own floral typography design.
Now you have your own star Photoshop brush. Draw out your stars using the Star Trail Brush we just created and duplicate the layer. Step 2 On the lower layer, go toFilter > Blur > Gaussian Blurand set theRadiusto8.6 Pixels. ClickOK. And that's how to make stars in Photoshop!
This is the fastest way to make a new layer from a selection in Photoshop. All it takes is a single keyboard shortcut! With this duplicate layer method, you are making a copy of the original layer. This means that the original layer will remain untouched. Meanwhile, you gain an exact ...
To create a soft-focus effect in Photoshop, you can use the "Gaussian Blur" filter. Duplicate your image onto a new layer, apply the Gaussian Blur filter to the duplicated layer, and then adjust the blur radius to your liking. You can also experiment with blending modes and opacity to fu...
Step 1: Open and Combine Your Images in Photoshop Let’s open two images in Photoshop. I’ll be working with this image and I’m going to drop a castle into the scene. Step 2: Duplicate the Layer One thing to note about this technique is that it makes destructive changes. In other ...
Learn how to make and manage the folders that contain your photos in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic.
Want to add a touch of surrealism to your image? Learn how to create a drip effect in Photoshop to make any object look like it’s melting.
Learn how to create a seamless pattern in Photoshop using the Offset filter. In this Photoshop pattern tutorial I will show you how to make a repeating image. Photoshop patterns are useful to create backgrounds, wallpapers and header images of any size.
How to Make a Panorama in Photoshop For the best result, you’ll need to have a couple of similar images. Get the images ready and follow the steps below to create a panorama in Photoshop. Step 1:ChooseFile>Automate>Photomergein Photoshop from the top menu. Select each image by going to...