I read everything below about your porch drapes. I am still confused a little. 2 questions. You indicated you needed 11′ 2″. You bought 2 poles 10′ each. If you cut off 4′ from one pole to attach to the other 10′ pole, you would now have a total of 16′, 10′ pole + ...
Once you’ve sewn one straight stitch along the top of the curtains, go back and sew the bottom of each tab in place. I sewed over the bottom, backstitched, sewed over it again, backstitched, a bunch of times to make sure the tabs were on there really good. AND YOU’RE FINISHED!
Paint traysuch as{this one}. You can make clean-up of your tray easy (so yours doesn’t end up looking like mine 😂) by lining it with aluminum foil or cling wrap or by buying a disposable liner like{this one}that fits right inside of it (tip: tape the liner to your tray to ...
To do this, simply hang the curtain rod at the top of the wall instead of immediately over the windows. If your drapes aren’t long enough to reach all the way to the ceiling, add a band of fabric to the bottom of them to make them longer (like my mother did for the curtains in...
minutes on a no-heat or fluff setting. Remove and immediately hang the drapes up; otherwise, they may become wrinkled. If the drape panels are thick or large, avoid overcrowding by placing them in the dryer one at a time. This gives the fabric more room to move, air out, and freshen...
Drapes are also placed on the windows that run the length of the coach. These come in two different styles: formal drapes, made from a velvet-like material and hung in arches, like the curtains on the sides of a proscenium-style stage; and airline drapes, which hang straight down for a...
make sure it is cashmere.* One must live with the opposite sex, not against them. Except when making love.* Go to the theatre, to museums, and to concerts as often as possible: it gives you the healthy glow.* Be aware of your qualities and your faults. Cultivate them in private but...
If there’s still a bit of light outside when you and your pup turn in for the night in the summer, for example,consider getting blackout curtains.These light-blocking curtains can clip onto your existing drapes to make the room extra dark and cozy. Plug in a small night light so you...
Choosing a career in construction can be one of the best decisions you ever make. It can be a lucrative and fulfilling career that allows you to travel, create something tangible, make a difference in the lives of people, and help grow thriving cities and communities. In addition, it is ...
Fashion is undergoing a big change right now, with skinny jeans and leggings being joined by flares, boot-cut, straight-leg, wide-leg and high-waist trousers. So you may feel you need some advice on what to wear with a blazer this season to make sure you look your very best! Get the...