And for the love of all humanity, eradicate all the creepy bronies and pegasisters in general. Make them stop sending death threats to people who dislike My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Get rid of all the fetish art, especially on DeviantArt and Derpibooru. Get rid of all the repulsiv...
“It means giving every talented individual a fair shot at opportunities they may not have considered simply because the door hasn’t felt open to them.” Sadly, many candidates felt left on the “porch.” Female candidates are less likely to apply to advanced, high-paid open roles because...
5. Make It Run! Always, always, always make your program run. Debug it until the result is correct. Don’t move on until you do. You’ve got to close the door behind you before opening a new one. When you’re learning a programming skill, you are likely to need that skill to le...
How much do video game testers make? Testers can be paid hourly or they can be on an annual salary. Either way, the pay rate can vary a lot — it’s based on factors such as which game company you’re working for, what geographical location the studio is located within, and how man...
There is also that pesky mushroom cloud still hanging in the air after the recentMicrosoft and 343 Industries company layoffs. Sea of Thieves, however, thought it the best possible moment ever to burst through the door like Kramer inSeinfeld, announcing to the gape-jawed masses that the game ...
The pervasive fog scenes in Alan Wake 2 are built upon improvements into how we render transparency. We're using MBOIT (Moment-Based Order-Independent Transparency) to make see-through surfaces blend together smoothly, even when they have different levels of detail. ...
The sound designer’s role is to start from a vision or a concept and bring that to reality, and that means being able to think about what best serves the game and enhances the player experience aesthetically. You must know how to make it happen in terms of recording and designing, and...
Niflheim Cipher #2: The Mountain – Starting from the vendor, which you’ll reach naturally on your second visit to the Mountain, exit through the lower door to find a balcony with a Realm Tear. The Cipher chest is right behind it. ...
the back door while you’re actually supposed to be making a game. And that’s hard to do, because publishers just want the game, right? Was it just that games of the era were the most obvious application of AI? Yeah, I think so, and I actually think we were doing unbelievably ...
Now you get to see what all your hard work has turned into. Test each level while you are polishing it, and many times after it is "finished." Make a conscious attempt to play the game in ways you didn't intend, such as playing through more difficult areas first. Better yet, find ...