Making your own homemade dog treats is just as easy as walking into the pet store and grabbing a package — plus, you know exactly which ingredients are in them.
While our April Fools Dog Treat cookies are for humans, we have plenty of tastyhomemade dog treatsfor the pups too. You simply can’t go wrong serving your pups wholesome homemade treats! And, did I mention how easy they are to make? We even have a fundoggie pupcakerecipe perfect for...
Reward your dog with verbal praise if it crawls toward you. Continue crawl training for anywhere from five to 10 minutes to help the dog build up its stamina– and make sure that you do this on the floor that doesn’t irritate its belly. Crawling can be used to build muscles that your...
By learning how to groom a dog and keeping up with routine grooming, it also becomes easier to examine your dog’s coat, teeth, eyes, ears, and nails to avoid any major problems. And if you properly groom your dog at home in between major visits to the groomer, your fluff ball will ...
Your dog may also enjoy eating a homemade, dog-friendly cake with its friends. No party’s complete without party favors. Fun little doggie bags filled with treats, pet bandanas, and small toys are sure to be a hit and a great way to spoil multiple dogs. Image Credit: KoolShooters, ...
Doggie Treats: Welcoming a New Puppy Can Teach Us Many Lessons about How We Should Bring New Employees on BoardPerry, Pat
Want a vet’s take on how to get your dog to sleep through the night? Here’s Dr. Michael Lazaris sharing his best tips: And if you’ve found this post useful or know a loved one with an insomniac dog at home –share this post with them.So we can create a safer, healthier worl...
Easy to clean Nonslip Keep in mind that doggie shoes for winter do take some getting used to! Start by putting them on your dog in the house for just a few minutes. Gradually build up to taking short and then longer walks outside and be sure to give your doga few treatsand. ...
The same is true when it comes to food. Leave food at home because other canines will be chomping at the bit (literally) to see what’s on the menu. If you are bringing treats, make sure that they’re in a sealed container. Also, choose dry treats that don’t emit a strong smell...
Similar to small children, dogs can initiate disputes over territory and material things in your home. For example, dogs can fight for precious resources such as food bowls, chew toys, and doggie beds. So, it’s a good idea to feed dogs in separate areas — at least initially. ...