If the problem is dog owners, and not necessarily dogs, then you could put up signs that tell owners to pick up their dogs' poop from your yard. You could also install signage that shows how much of a fine an owner could pay if they are caught leaving poop on the ground. Your signs...
There's no need to buy expensive pet repellents -- you can make your own at home. Step 1 Determine whether you need a repellent for dogs or for cats. If it's cats, stay away from ammonia -- to them it smells like pee and it will encourage them to come around more often, peeing...
Is your dog destroying your yard or garden? You can make an easy and safe repellent to help stop his antics. Lynn Greyling/PublicDomain Pictures Key Takeaways Homemade dog repellents can include natural ingredients like citrus, cayenne peppers, vinegar, mustard oil and coffee grounds, each ...
Scent repellents can be hit-or-miss. One cat might hate a certain smell, while the same smell doesn’t bother another cat at all. Try different scent repellents around your yard to figure out which one is most effective for the cats in your neighborhood. Also, keep in mind that scents...
Cats really like to steer clear of some plants. Add some of these selections to your flowerbed, vegetable garden, or yard perimeter: Repellent Plants for Cats: Lavender Rue Rosemary Pennyroyal Lemon thyme These plants are completely non-toxic for cats, but they don’t like to be around them...
Consider the layout of your backyard. Because ticks stay close to the perimeter, you want to move all of their potential hideouts closer to the center. Dog runs, outdoor furniture and playground equipment are safer in the center of your lawn, preferably in the sun. ...
Liquid mole repellent:You can also use a liquid mole repellent mixture based on castor oil to get rid of moles. You may find it less expensive to mix your own liquid repellent using2 parts castor oilto 20 parts water (2 cups oil to a gallon of water, for example). It’s easier to...
Information aboutcoyote repellent- analysis of types and effectiveness. Coyote Information & Facts Coyote Appearance:Coyotes are members of the dog family, usually light tan in color with a spattering of darker browns and black markings throughout. They range in height from two to three feet and ...
Most animals, including skunks, dislike the smell of citrus fruits. Place orange or lemon peels around the yard as a natural skunk repellent. Predator urine (dogs, coyotes) can be used to repel a skunk. These are commercially sold in garden centers. (Note:Use a responsible source for predat...
predators, such as foxes or coyotes. These repellents are meant to be sprayed around gardens to keep squirrels away, so they will need to be reapplied regularly. Be sure to check the collection method of the brand that you are considering to make sure that the material is collected humanely...