Has your home become the "go to" place for all the strays in the neighborhood? Or is your own doggie suddenly marking his territory all over the house and yard? There's no need to buy expensive pet repellents -- you can make your own at home. Step 1 Determine whether you need a r...
You can create DIY, natural homemade dog repellants to stop dogs from pooping in your yard. For instance, you could mix 1 cup ofwhite vinegarwith 2 cups ofapple cider vinegar, and thenmist your lawn with it. Another option is to mix white vinegar with lime juice, soak cotton balls in ...
Is your dog destroying your yard or garden? You can make an easy and safe repellent to help stop his antics. Lynn Greyling/PublicDomain Pictures Key Takeaways Homemade dog repellents can include natural ingredients like citrus, cayenne peppers, vinegar, mustard oil and coffee grounds, each ...
Create a "pee-rimeter" with WolfPee liquid, Use WolfPee YardCover Granules to keep cats from using your garden as a litter box and use WolfPeeShots to stop cats from moving into your shed or garage. The scent of wolves acts as a natural feral cat repellent for yards. Find your ideal...
9 Humane ways to keep cats out of your yard and garden 1. Get rid of food sources 2. Block access to hidey holes 3. Use scent repellents 4. Fill your garden with cat-repelling plants 5. Make potential lounging or digging spots uncomfortable ...
If your pet already has fleas and your home and yard are infested, using only a flea repellent will not resolve the existing problem. How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Yard Naturally One of the best ways to eliminate fleas in your yard is to think about where fleas are most likely to ...
Cockroaches are pesky insects that can be a major nuisance in our households, often coming out at night to scavenge for food and water. These nocturnal
Cats really like to steer clear of some plants. Add some of these selections to your flowerbed, vegetable garden, or yard perimeter: Repellent Plants for Cats: Lavender Rue Rosemary Pennyroyal Lemon thyme These plants are completely non-toxic for cats, but they don’t like to be around them...
Most animals, including skunks, dislike the smell of citrus fruits. Place orange or lemon peels around the yard as a natural skunk repellent. Predator urine (dogs, coyotes) can be used to repel a skunk. These are commercially sold in garden centers. (Note:Use a responsible source for predat...
9 ways to keep raccoons out of your yard When raccoons venture into your yard, they’re looking for three things: food, water, and shelter. If they can’t find any, they’ll have no reason to stick around. So, the best way to prevent raccoons in your yard is to make sure they wo...