Drew's wife Linda Phan is a major crafter! Check out her take on an easy DIY wall hanging and get all the instructions you need.
Ideas for creating your dream gallery wall: from choosing your photos and artwork, to accurately spacing and positioning each piece.
How to…CREATE COOL WALL ART IN AN AFTERNOONProvides tips on making wall art decorations. Selection of various art designs; Sizes of the canvas; Selection of cool colors.Glamour
not me (Nicole)!]I knew I wanted to use a mix of purchased prints and interesting treasures that hold meaning to our family, but I also knew I wanted to add a touch of DIY art to the room. The room is pure white, with white furnishings...
I used acleat systemto mount the sign. It makes mounting heavy things super easy. Just make sure to use a stud finder to attach the cleat to the studs in your wall. IT'S DONE!!! Now for the shipping. I built a custom box that was 67″ long x 21″ wide x 7 inches tall. The...
Nice tips from @BasementCreationsChannel. Learn the art of slicing large prints, a crucial skill for creating stunning wall art. Join our newsletter Our newsletter is free & you can unsubscribe any time. Latest posts CoreTechnologie and Phasio Join Forces to Streamline Powder Bed 3D Printing ...
And there you have it. Wall art made of wood. I call this piece REBELLION. Just kidding! It’s basically like a big wood canvas waiting for the personality to develop. So the first thing I did was decide to make my biggest circles and I did that by using the largest routing bit I...
Any 3D stickers would make great dollhouse wall art. (Here are flower stickers that would work as wall art.) DIY Dollhouse accessories for the kitchen I was scared of the dollhouse kitchen because if you look online there are so many cute, but very expensive things to decorate kitchens. I...
I tried to just stick my pin in the center of the pinwheel and into the wall, but the pinwheel was so tight around the pin that it didn’t spin, so I had to make a larger hole that allowed it to be looser and spin more easily. I tried a hole punch but it was too small to ...
barefootbohemian13 years ago Congratulations! Very nice ible and a great idea. 1 reply breumer(author)13 years ago Thank you ,) Log in to post a comment Open Menu How You Can Make / Living Wall Art by breumerFollow Save PDF Favorite I Made It View Comments Share More Options Categor...