If you’ve tried making homemade dishwasher detergent and been disappointed with the results, chances are you were closer to a great recipe than you thought!
To make kefir water: Dissolve 1/2 cup sugar in a little bit of very hot filtered water.(I’ve used organic sugar and organic palm or coconut sugar, but will stick with palm orcoconut sugarfrom now on because I read that the less refined the sugar, the better the carbonation.) Add co...
Well, the dishwasher shouldn’t be any different. Just as dust and debris can clog and hinder the performance of your vacuum, food scraps, soap scum, and stubborn grease can compromise your dishwasher. Even if you have installed a new unit recently, you should know how to clean a dishwashe...
Everyone should have these products in their home. Image Credit:Debbie Williams It is possible to use dishwashing soap in an automatic dishwasher; however, just using plain dish soap won't do! If you have been unfortunate enough to try this, you will agree that the giant mess of bubbles ov...
Keep in mind that it's also possible to make liquid detergent at home. Many recipes prefer liquid castile soap as the main cleaning agent, rather than bar soap or soap flakes. There's even a homemade laundry detergent recipe that incorporates dish soap! Needless to say, you can s...
Start dishwasher. Tip Make sure that pot handles, knives and other items don't poke down to obstruct the sprayer arm. Never wash fragile items on the bottom rack. Always separate silver from stainless steel utensils. Most silver manufacturers recommend that you not wash silver in a dishwasher....
That glorious machine in your kitchen that cleans dishes does in fact need to be cleaned itself. Over time grease, soap scum and food debris build up in dishwashers. Not only does this provide a breeding ground for germs, it also reduces the efficiency of the appliance, so it's important...
We’ve gotten so used to using liquid dish soap that my mind got stuck on making a liquid dish soap. Since I’m a cold process soap maker, I thought why not make a solid dish soap recipe? Success! I finally found a homemade dish soap that works and gives me the suds that I like...
You can simply clean this item with dish soap and warm water to disinfect it like you would your dishes. In effect, you can throw your toothbrush holder in the dishwasher and wash with other dirty dishes to kill two birds with one stone. ...
Start with an empty dishwasher that has just been run through its cleaning cycle. Remove the silverware holder and clean in the sink with some warm water and dish soap. The racks can also be removed and cleaned if needed {or to get them out of the way for the rest of the cleaning},...