With the power of LaTeX and tikz, we can create professional-looking WBS diagrams that seamlessly integrate with our LaTeX documents. In this tutorial, we’ll create a WBS using LaTeX and tikz. 2. How to Draw Work Breakdown Structures First, we need the tikz package. The tikz package is...
centre it and then create a new subfigure. In the subfigure command we need to add a placement specifier and then give it a width. Because we want three images next to each other we set a width of 0.3 times the value of\textwidth. You need to make sure that the sum of...
An even simpler solution is to use Snip to create technical documents end-to-end.Snipis powered byMathpix Markdown, a superset of regular markdown with added features specfifically for STEM like extended LaTeX syntax support and SMILES chemical diagrams....
I'm generating documentation from a C library. I see a page of structs, but no page of functions. I'd have to go to the list of files and then click on the specific file to see all its functions. Ideally I'd see all functions with the sa...
my_cv.clscontained some formatting defaults, as well as some commands to use: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}\ProvidesClass{my_cv}[6/6/2013 custom CV class]\LoadClass{article}\RequirePackage{titlesec}\titleformat{\section}% Customise the \section command{\Large\scshape\raggedright}% Make the...
We've recently had a number of users get in touch to ask how to do certain things with Overleaf, to which our answer has begun: "Firstly, create a custom latexmkrc file in your project...". Given that this isn't the most intuitive part of LaTeX, and documentation on the web (and...
To do this we use the\vspacecommand followed by a length. We also need to add an asterisk into the command to make sureLaTeXdoesn't decide to ignore the command. Next we'll add the thesis title in bold font using the\textbfcommand. To leave a gap between this and ...
Python is a programming language that has become very popular in recent years. It's used for everything from web development to data science and machine learning. This skill tree will teach you how to use Python from the command line, as well as some basic programming concepts like variables...
As noted above, to build on Knuth’s original source code you “apply changes” or, in Knuth’s words make “alterations via an auxiliary file”: but what does this actually mean? Enter thechange file mechanism. Change files: the mechanism for creating new TeX engines ...
Only the project owner can make this change, and the ownership change is immediate. Owner-only capabilities, such as the ability to add collaborators, turn link sharing on or off, and the ability to delete the project are immediately disabled for the previous owner and enabled for the new ow...