1 How can I alter a column to be "not null" in Laravel 5? 12 Make column not nullable in a Laravel 5 migration 0 laravel change nullable column to no nullable in foreign key 1 How to set a table field Not Null in Laravel 5.4 migration 3 How I can make Laravel...
How to create a migration in Laravel 5 that only adds a column to an existing table 4 How to create table migration in Laravel 5 1 Laravel migration: drop specific table and remove migration file using artisan command 0 Cannot drop column of existing table in Laravel...
'saas.test', // Add the ones that you use. I use this one with Laravel Valet. ], #Tenant app Now, the fun part. This part is almost too simple. To make some code tenant-aware, all you need to do is: move the migrations to thetenant/directory ...
Migration is a crucial functionality inLaravelthat allows you to build a table in your database, make modifications, and share the database schema of the application. You can use Laravel migration to edit tables by adding new columns or removing existing ones. Say you’rediscussing ideas with ...
Important thing about public folder - make sure that your Web-server configuration points to public folder correctly, and your full repository is cloned in one folder above, not into public. Here's an example from Nginx config: server { ... server_name deploymentdemo.laraveldaily.com; root ...
By default, Laravel will set theDB_USERNAMEasrootand leave theDB_PASSWORDempty. However, it might cause an error when you run PHP artisan, the framework command-line utility, for database migration. To resolve it, change the default root password and update theDB_PASSWORDvalue accordingly. Als...
After creating the model file and declaring the$fillablearray, you must create the migration file using the command below: php artisan make:migration create_comments_table Note:The naming convention for creating migrations in Laravel is usuallysnake_case, also known asunderscore_case. The first word...
You’ll now change the code in yourroutes/web.phpfile to show results ordered from newest to oldest, based on thecreated_attable field. Both thecreated_atand theupdated_atfields are managed by Eloquent when you include atimestamps()definition in your table migration. You should not update ...
Step 3: Create the Migration In Laravel, migrations are used to define the structure of your database tables. To create a migration for your CRUD operation, run the following command: php artisan make:migration create_table_name Note:Replacetable_namewith a meaningful name for your database ta...
Now that you have successfully connected to the Streaming API, it’s time to start building your featured tweets widget. Start by generating aTweetmodel and a corresponding database migration: php artisan make:model Tweet--migration Copy