How to Save Cuttings from Geraniums
Stem cuttings are the best way to propagate geraniums. Totake a stem cutting, cut the stem just above a node (which encourages new growth on the parent plant). On your cutting, locate another node several inches away from the original cut and cut beneath it. Ideally, the cutting should ...
If you do cut a piece into multiple cuttings, make sure to remember which way was the top and which was the bottom of the branch. Cuttings won’t root if you plant them upside down. Flowering Lavender Cuttings As for flowering stems – yes, they can root. However, their natural ...
Geraniums can be grown from seed or cuttings. Geranium seeds take up to two weeks to sprout. And, it takes a while for the young seedling to grow. So, most people take cuttings and root them in water. It/’s fun to watch the roots as they quickly develop. And, gives your plants ...
If you have a favorite plant that you want to preserve, Geraniums are also easily cloned by taking and rootingsoftwood cuttings. Take your cuttings in September from healthy plants which have been kept rather dry for a couple weeks. Use a clean, sharp knife and make a cutting 3" to 4" ...
Most geraniums rootVERYeasily from stem cuttings in soil, coarse sand, water, perlite, or other rooting material. Using a sharp, clean knife, make a slanted cut 4 inches below a stem tip, above a node where leaves emerge. Trim the cutting to just below a node. Remove any buds, all bu...
Taking Cuttings Just to be on the safe side, I also take cuttings of some of my favorites—like iresine, begonias, geraniums, impatiens, and coleus. All will root easily in water and make attractive houseplants. Cuttings are a wonderful and inexpensive way to create more plants if you lack...
further. Cuttings can be taken from plantsbeginning in fall, throughout the winter and even into early spring— timing is not as critical as with garden geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) that are grown for their flowers. Keep parent plants in a sunny window; water when the soil surface is...
When rooting pothos cuttings, it’s important to keep any container, but especially one made of clear glass, out of direct sunlight. If the water becomes cloudy, replace it with fresh water and make sure the water level stays above the leafless nodes but below the remaining leaves on the ...
This plant also comes in a variegated form if you prefer. It’s not as easy to find, though. And, of course, the strong fragrance of the starry white flowers. Star Jasmine careis simple, and those fragrant flowers and glossy dark green foliage make this plant oh-so appealing. Give one...