Tumblers are often bought and customized for personal use or thoughtful gifts. Plastic and stainless steel tumblers are usually customized with decals or epoxy, and you can customize glass tumblers with etching. Whether you are using decals for plastic or stainless steel tumblers or etching on glass...
This full step-by-step tutorial forhow to make a DIY confetti and glitter snowglobe Starbucks tumblerwill have you creating custom cups in no time. These beautiful Starbucks glitter snow globe tumblers are so fun and easy to make. Plus you can make them any theme that you want. Seasonal?
Spray painting makes it fast and easy to paint or make over almost any item in and around your home to give it a new life. I know this as I learned the right way to spray paint all sorts of items after working for years in retail display where we had to paint the store props to ...