Soon as you open the AI file in CorelDRAW (which is possible) your brushes will be expanded and never come back. Soon as you export the CDR file to AI (which is also possible), your kerning/tracking will be ruined (text itself might even still be there). So make it ...
If you’re familiar with HTML, the syntax looks similar to that language. The XML in an SVG file specifies all the shapes, colors, and text that make up the image. Let’s see some examples. We’ll start with an SVG of a circle. When I open th...
CorelDRAW does more than just make stickers Check out some of the other graphic design features in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, like How To Make A Schematic Diagram, How To Vectorize An Image, How To Test Your Tattoo, and more! Create high quality designs in a fun and easy to use graphic ...
You could draw one by hand and scan it, or as in my case, use the Freehand tool (found in the Curve Tools flyout) and draw it directly in CorelDRAW. Figure 1 The next step is to duplicate that script (Ctrl+D) and stagger the duplicate, in this case down and to the...
How do I make a greeting card? Follow this easy step-by-step process to make all types of different cards with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. *Note: There are also free card and envelope templates that you can use in CorelDRAW. 1. Document setup In the Create a New Document window, ch...
Now lets create the Brochure Front Elements, first go to the “Rectangle Tool “, make a box shape and resized it into 17 x 30 cm. Go to the ” Shape Tool ” in the left toolbar, and right click the middle left side of the box shape, after that go to the upper toolbar and fi...
Now we are going to make a line around the object using ”Contour Tool“, Select the object and go to the Contour Tool, its in the left toolbar, after that go to the upper toolbar, there you will see an option contour dialog, make the contour type Outside Curve, Contour Offset 0,...
Now lets create the hair, go to the ” Bezier Tool ” and create a custom shape on the left side of the head. Shape it using ” Shape Tool ” similar like below. Because we are going to make a silhouette Girl, put a black color in it. ...
Learn how to use CorelDRAW’s knife tool to split objects, groups of objects and text, add gaps or overlaps, and adjust settings for outline appearance.
Hello, I was wondering if anyone had a quick answer on how to make a fountain fill (gradient) to curve with your text or object. If you arch text and just...