To cold compost, simply create a pile of organic materials that you add to as you find or accumulate them. If possible, alternate layers of browns and greens, mixing in a few shovelfuls of garden soil, too. Since they’ll take longer to break down, bury kitchen scraps in the pile’s ...
Types of Composting(Click IMAGE to Enlarge) If you want a high-quality, fine-textured, compost that’s free of viable weed seeds and plant diseases—and you want it quickly—then Hot Composting is the best method. But it will take some attention and effort, especially the first two weeks...
Direct spray on leaves:When you spray leaves directly with compost tea it is absorbed quickly and distributed evenly throughout the plant in a more efficient way than soil drenchings. Applying compost tea directly to the leaves also reduces the chance that the plant will develop adisease such a...
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I imagine I first heard the word “compost” about 40 years ago. Since then, the concepts represented by those words have become hopelessly complex and even ambiguous as more people search for answers to how to make compost.
Composting doesn't have to be complicated. Here, experts list the ingredients and step-by-step instructions on how to make your own right at home, quickly.
In the right conditions, bacteria and other microorganisms quickly break down organic material into rich, fertile earth that you can add to your soil to increase its fertility and health. After the organisms have done their thing, they generate finished compost, which has lots of minerals and mi...
You have to make sure your compost pile gets: Plenty of air: Turn it every four to seven days, especially at first. Adequate water: It should be moist, but not soaking wet; give it a spray weekly. Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen: the ratio should be about 30:1. Small pieces: ...
Add just enough water to make it like a moist sponge. But though take note that too little or too much water will definitely slow down the whole process. Too Little: If the pile has too little water that will result to a dusty and dry compost that may slow downs or even stops the ...
Originally Posted On: Learning how to compost will teach you how to speed up the natural decomposition of biological materials. Composting is SO helpful in diverting food and yard waste from the landfill. It also happens to make a wonderful soi...