To cold compost, simply create a pile of organic materials that you add to as you find or accumulate them. If possible, alternate layers of browns and greens, mixing in a few shovelfuls of garden soil, too. Since they’ll take longer to break down, bury kitchen scraps in the pile’s ...
Hot composting is a much quicker process – so it’s great if you want to know how to make compost fast. However, this is more complicated and requires nitrogen and carbon, so only do it if you’re an experienced gardener or with someone who’s tried it before. How to make compost...
How to make the best compost, how to use compost, information on compost bins, a beginners guide to composting, how to make fast compost, compost tests you won't find anywhere else...
You have to make sure your compost pile gets: Plenty of air: Turn it every four to seven days, especially at first. Adequate water: It should be moist, but not soaking wet; give it a spray weekly. Proper mix of carbon to nitrogen: the ratio should be about 30:1. Small pieces: ...
Fast-Acting– Nutrients delivered directly in the water are typically more available to roots than top-dressing or other ways of supplementing cannabis plants with extra nutrients. Compost tea helps make happy cannabis plants. What are the main ingredients?
See how to make great compost! Compost is an amazing organic powerhouse of nutrients that help to keep soil loose, workable, and energized.
To kickstart compost, balance ‘green’ materials (like kitchen scraps and grass clippings) with ‘brown’ materials (such as dry leaves and cardboard). Introduce a compost starter or activator, like well-rotted manure or garden soil, to supply beneficial microbes. Regularly turn the pile to ...
Brown refers to things that are carbon-based, so dead leaves, wood chips, straw, etc. “You’ll read about a million different ratios people suggest,” Young said. “But you can make this process as fast or slow as you want by using different ratios of materials. The more diversity of...
Use a strainer if possible to keep solid particles out of the tea. If you are going to use the tea in a sprayer you need to strain the tea through a cheese cloth. Bucket-Fermentation Method Passive organic tea is prepared by immersing a burlap sack filled with compost into a bucket ...
Are you ready to grow your own weed at home?Growing cannabis can seem like it’s complicated, but often it only seems that way because you haven’t been given the right information. A lot of people unintentionally make growing harder than it needs to be, but that ends now! This cannabis...