As a last step, put the salty curds back into the colander over the pot, with the heat off. Cover with a tea towel, and leave them in there for 12 hours to drain. This is the step that makes them squeaky. But when you wake up, you’ll have homemade, genuinely squeaky cheese cur...
But when it comes to deep-frying cheese, you’d be hard-pressed to beat the pleasure of a fried cheese curd. It’s a signature Wisconsin item for a reason! there's even a Master Cheesemaker for curds. One taste, and you'll see why. These squeaky, bite-sized cheeses become melty an...
Do this only if you'd like to make cheese with the texture of squeaky chewing gum; otherwise, simply lift the mass out of the whey with both hands and slowly draw the curds apart. There shouldn't be a sensation of forcibly stretching, pulling, kneading, or tearing the curd. Rather, ...
Next, you want to strain the curds through a cheesecloth and rinse the curds with cold water. This really helps to cool the cheese and it helps wash away the lemon juice or vinegar. Then, gather up the corners of the cloth and squeeze out the excess liquid from the cheese. Many recipes...