After enough sand builds up around an obstacle, the dune itself becomes the obstacle, and it continues to grow. Depending on the speed and direction of the wind and the weight of the local sand, dunes will develop into a different shapes and sizes. Stronger winds tend to make taller dunes...
these plants do not lose their skin-irritating qualities over time. This could make using their shredded leaves dicey in the garden. You don’t want to find
In spring and summer grass grows quickly, brush hogs work too low, drag the ground & kill grass. But how to adjust brush hog height. Let’s find out!
to prevent leafy bushes with few blooms. Check your NPK (Nitrogen-Phosporous-Potassium) levels in your fertilizer before you purchase. Expert growers recommend formulas such as 5-10-10, 10-20-20, or even 0-0-10. Fertilizing dahlias just a couple of times can make a big difference to ...
a grower compared bush beans grown hydroponically with those produced in a traditional garden. The hydroponic bushes grew faster, were larger and produced more beans. Hydroponic systems allow you to precisely control growing conditions and protect your plants from adverse weather, insect pests and soi...
If you have shady areas in your yard where grass just doesn’t thrive, follow these expert tips on how to encourage grass to grow in the shade.
Thin your roses regularly. By removing dead or dying blooms and shoots that appear to be sickly, you allow the bush to grow at a faster, healthier rate. Tip If you choose to use plant food for your roses, make sure it contains nitrogen, sodium phosphorous and potash. ...
A rose is just a rose, or is it? There are many rose varieties, and caring for roses depends on the type you have and climate you live in. So before you go planting a rose bush, keep in mind what variety you are growing. How to grow roses successfully wi
Plants with repaired pen roots are the second-best solution to planting trees, bushes or vegetables in deserted, eroded, sandy, arid or rocky areas. Radicle or Pen root? Conclusion You now understand that the most important criterion for successful planting in deserts or on rocks, is keeping ...
How to Grow Lilacs, it is easier than you think. Lilacs are an easy shrub that rewards you with sweet scented blooms every Spring. Let’s find out how to grow lilacs or lilac bushes, as some prefer to call them. It really is easy. ...