On a whim, I decided to glue a pvc adapter directly to the jetpack inside the upper tube piece. I thought it might have just been a waste, but I later discovered that it was the perfect way to make the jetpack easy to break down for transportation. Hint: If you're having a hard t...
Material Costs For us to tally the total cost, we first need to dissect the Imperial Walker into its main components. Armor Plating: The Walkers’ Hide AT/ATs are covered from head to toe (or should we say, head to paw?) in heavy armor plating. Given the Walker’s dimensions (approxim...
Duke 3D maps, official or otherwise, like to hide important switches in obnoxious places. Always look under desks, check behind shutters on walls, and make sure you smack every cracked-looking wall with at least one explosive shot. (Image credit: DukeBoss) [Alien Armageddon] The moment you'...
When you start a plan from scratch, it is important to set up the foundation for the plan. Make sure to set up elements you will need for your plan further down the line. Note: You do not need to explain to the crisis staff why you are doing this. Sometimes that can even work ...
Many races work well for Wizards, particularly sinceTasha's Cauldron of Everythingallows for greater freedom in assigning Ability Score bonuses from the start. The real trick in picking the right race is to make sure they have the fullest range of abilities that are actually useful to a Wizard...
The late Jeremy Bulloch’s performances as Boba Fett brought the movie Western element that’s central to The Mandalorian.
Intriguingly, Boba Fett’s initial design inThe Holiday Specialis not the final look that’s seen throughout the rest of theStar Warssaga. While the general feel of the Mandalorian armor is the same, the shape of the helmet is a lot longer upon the face, which is emphasized by Nelvana’s...
However, Djarin is convinced by the surprise appearance of Ahsoka that seeing Grogu will only make the youngling's path harder. After leaving his gift of beskar armor with Tano Djarin heads back to Tatooine, leaving Tano to meet with Luke during Grogu's training. It's clear that the Jedi...
Boba Fett and his weird-but-still-cool ship are involved in many memorable moments throughout the canon. After all, he is the character who popularized the Mandalorian armor with his appearance in 1980's The Empire Strikes Back. Boba Fett, however, isn't really a Mandalorian. Thanks to som...
How to Build a Boba Fett Jetpack From Scratch: Let's face it, $350 is a lot of cash to be throwing down to purchase a molded jetpack kit to complete your Boba Fett costume. Fortunately, it's not impossible to put together a jetpack from scratch (at least