I was showing a transparent image like logo, but the image transparent area were covered with grey colour. Anything to solve this.
from tkinter import * root=Tk() root.title("overlay") x="0" y="0" root.geometry(f'250x150+{x}+{y}') # to remove the titlebar root.overrideredirect(True) # to make the window transparent root.attributes("-transparentcolor","red") # set bg to red in order to make it ...
How to clear Tkinter Canvas - Tkinter provides a way to add a canvas in a window and when we create a canvas, it wraps up some storage inside the memory. While creating a canvas in tkinter, it will effectively eat some memory which needs to be cleared or
Let us check out in detail thePython Tkinter label. How to useLabel in Python Tkinter. We will cover all the topics as : About Tkinter label Tkinter label font size Tkinter label position Tkinter label border Tkinter label transparent background Tkinter label attributes Tkinter label image Tkinter...
Use the legend Function to Add Legend to Plots in R The legend function is used to draw legend objects on the plots. It takes x and y coordinates as the first two arguments to specify the legend’s position. Although, it can be specified using keywords like: "left", "bottomright", et...
Okay. I had already tried that, and have kept it in. It successfully gave a 'transparent' background appearance, but there is still a pesky rectangle outline. Still working on a code sample... Owner PySimpleGUI commented Jun 16, 2022 The next setting to work on is to set the border...
div{background-color:yellow;}.bg{opacity:0.5;} Use the CSSbackgroundProperty to Make the Background Transparent in HTML There is a drawback to using theopacityproperty. Theopacityvalue set in the parent element applies to all the children elements. To get rid of this problem, we can use ...