An important consideration when it comes to bees is that they truly don’t want to sting you. This means that you have to somehow provoke a bee to make it sting you. Unfortunately, sometimes this happens accidentally: Many of us have made the mistake of stepping on a bee or gone too c...
You don’t need to bandage every cut and scrape. Some heal more quickly when left uncovered to stay dry. But if the cut is on a part of the body that might get dirty or rub against clothes, put on a bandage to protect it. Change the bandage every day or whenever it gets wet or ...
How To Get Rid of Planthoppers? Planthoppersare pesky garden pests that can wreak havoc on your plants if left unchecked. The good news is, getting rid of them doesn’t have to be a huge headache. Identify the species of planthopper. To identify the species, start by recognizing their dist...
The brown recluse spider, (loxosceles reclusa), can also inflict a very dangerous bite. The initial pain associated with the bite is not intense, and is generally less troublesome than a bee sting. Within 8 to 12 hours the pain becomes quite intense, and over a period of a few days a ...
soda to the bite and found it was significantly reduced by the time the paste had dried. To do the same, please buy your bicarb/baking soda locally (DON’T bring a bag of random white powder into Thailand!). Any of the above would make a neater and certainly more convenient solution....
That same herb has some incredible “healing” powers when it comes to stopping the itching. The chemical makeup of thyme includes natural antibacterial and antifungal agents. These chemicals combine to make that uncomfortable itching go away, at least temporarily. For best results mince the herb ...
If your dog is not having a severe reaction to a sting or bite, Benadryl can be used to help relieve the irritation caused by common critters. Hives Benadryl won’t get rid of hives quicker than they would normally disappear on their own, but the drug can make your dog much more comfor...
Learn how to make soap in a slow cooker with our cold process recipe of water, lye, and fat. This recipe is great for making crock pot soap! Learn How to Make Soap in a Slow Cooker When I first started learning how to make soap, somewhere in the back of my mind was the question...
For the road of serious meditation, it is indeed useful to have a yearly adjustment of your bones and joints to make sure that your spine is in good condition. It is generally true that meditation usually makes people more sensitive to external environmental factors such as wind, weather, ...
So, here’s how to stop your cold sore in its filthy little tracks. Here’s how to make sure it doesn’t even get to festering blistering stage and ensure it won’t scab. Basically, here’s how to manage and destroy a cold sore so that you can still get on with your life, and...