Wearing work boots that fit perfectly is an excellent way to stop the rubbing of your heels. Tightly fit boots keep your feet in place and reduce friction. Whereas poorly fit boots rub against your heels and cause pain, blisters, and scars that take a few weeks to heal properly. Use mole...
HOW TO STOP CHAFING IN SPECIFIC AREAS: HOW TO STOP THIGH CHAFING Thighs are a common area for chafing across genders and body sizes—it can truly happen to anyone. The repetitive motion of walking or running has anyone with legs wondering how to prevent thigh chafing. Leave the fire-starting...
My first reaction was to fight back, use the parking lot rules against them, ask for the manager, and make a big scene about how unjust it was for me to have to move my car a couple blocks away where there was clearly space right there. Then I noticed the person was wearing a volu...
and it happens because once we think we have become good enough, adequate, then we stop spending time in the learning zone. We focus all our time on just doing our job, performing, which turns out not to be a...
If the boundaries were going to be set, I had to be the one to set them. If the safe space was going to be created, I had to be the one to create it. If a demand for better behavior was going tobe made, I had to be the one to make it. Furthermore, I had to be the one...
It’s vital to have a certain level of guilt/shame after hurting ourselves or someone else. Without guilt, we would sociopathically ignore the impact of our behavior. (And can you imagine what society would be like if no one felt bad about what they’d done? We’d be living in a non...
a"How long did it take before you stop assuming the worst every time you have an ache or a pain? Last week I had a backache and convinced myself I was going into kidney failure." 在您有疼痛或痛苦时候, “在您之前多长时间需要了停止假设最坏? 我上星期有腰疼,并且说服我进入肾衰竭。“ ...
You try to hide from me But you cannot Because I live inside of you I make you feel hopeless Like there is no way out MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME. –Shared by John Bradshaw, originally written by Leo Booth Lack of Safety and the Wounded Inner Child ...
The concept is simple enough. But deciding where to place the trailing stop is challenging. If you set the trailing stop too close to the current price, normal price swings that don't constitute a true reversal could stop you out, leaving money on the table. If the stop is too far away...
You're breathing very quickly and you have to wait for your body to get back to normal. And, if you're running also, it might be painful. And you have to stop, so that's getting out of breath. Okay, so: "at one time, in the past, I could run a mile." I can't say now...