How to make jumpthrow bind CS:GO?To make a jumpthrow bind in CS:GO, open the developer console and enter the command bind [key] “+jump; -attack; -jump”, replacing [key] with your desired key. Adding this command to your autoexec.cfg file ensures it persists across game sessions....
Now, let’s take things up a notch—learning how to jump in CS2 surf! Begin by positioning yourself carefully. When making your first jump, try to make it longer and aim for the middle of the ramp’s side. Also, when you jump off the ramp, move the mouse in the direction you want...
How to Make an Autoexec for CSGO?The process is as easy as pie - you need to open the .cfg file in the game folder, make your changes in the code, and then save the file in the same folder but with the new name autoexec.cfg.How to Run Autoexec in CSGOJust creating the file may...
To not bother with entering CS:GO console commandsevery time you want to display FPS, why not bind these commands to some keys. Check out more details in the article withCS:GO binds. Createautoexec.cfg- open the standardconfig.cfgin the folderSteam\userdata\yourSteamID\730\local\cfg\config....
There’s a chance that the game may override console commands when restarted due to booting the autoexec file. So generally, if you’d like to keep the command active at all points, it’s better to put it in the cfg file. For commands that are changed commonly such as volume level or...
To use a script for your game, you need tosave the commands from it into your .cfg file. Probably, the best way here is touse special autoexec.cfg. The game gives it a higher priority over the default config.cfg, and you can quickly delete autoexec and return to the default settings...