How to make the app run always in the background in Flutter? There isn’t a way to do this directly from flutter right now although that may change at some point – see this bug/feature request. You do have a couple of options though. The first is to use MethodChannels and simply w...
For example, the AppBar might show a full profile picture when the user scrolls up and slowly transition to show only the user name when the user scrolls down. This effect is called a floating app bar. In Flutter this can be achieved using the widget calledSliverAppBar. In this tutorial,...
How to Build a Flutter Backend Using a Backend as a Service This section will discuss how you can start building a Flutter application’s backend. The Back4app platform is a great option for building scalable and secure backend applications that are flexible and easy to deploy. Back4app Overv...
In our package, we will add a class to define a flexible custom app bar widget named MIAppBarWidget for Flutter applications. Developers can use this widget and customize various aspects of the app bar’s appearance and behavior by providing values through the constructor parameters. This allows...
How to create observable variables from other observable variables in GetX 18 Apr 2022 How to remove a DEBUG banner in Flutter App 21 Feb 2022 Dart initializing formal parameters 30 May 2022 How to make AppBar/Navigation Bar transparent in Flutter 24 May 2021 How to change status bar ...
How to disable a button in Flutter How to conditionally change a button enable/disable state Conclusion Disabled button Enabled button Conditionally enable and disable a button AI Paraphrase:Are you tired of staring at your screen, struggling to rephrase sentences, or trying to find the perfe...
In reply to How to create a transparent window in flutter for windows? Just surround the widget or widget tree you want to make transparent with an Opacity widget and specify the opacity value from 0.0 to 1.0 For example: 0.0 means completely invisible, 0.5 means half way transparent, ...
Openpubspec.yamlin your code editor and add the following plugins: pubspec.yaml dependencies:flutter:sdk:fluttergeocoding:^1.0.5geolocator:^6.1.1 Copy Note:You will need to make sure that your Android project uses AndroidX for this. If you have created a Flutter application after version 1.7,...
How to Make Text as Big as the Width Allows In Flutter? You can useFittedBox WidgetBoxFit applies whichever ‘fit’ you want to stretch/scale the child to fit in the box. It doesn’t perform a pure ‘stretch’ on the text but rather space it should take up. You shouldn’t specify ...
The easiest way to install Flutter on Linux is by using Snap. If you are using Ubuntu, you already have got Snap.For other distributions, please make sure toenable Snap support. Open a terminaland use the following command in a terminal to install Flutter: ...