Learn how to create a mobile app in 8 simple steps. Follow our step-by-step guide for beginners and learn the best ways to build a mobile app.
To help people find your app and to distinguish it from other apps, you can (and should) also upload a custom icon for your app in this tab, replacing Andromo's default icon. You can find lots of free icons on the web or you can create your own. Just make sure the icons are in ...
This will make your app retrieve the latest info for your account. 17. If you would like to add banners to another app, go back to AdMob and click MONETIZE (on the main menu). Click the "Monetize new app" button and Repeat Steps 8-15. Note: If you have an Android and iPhone ...
I have a MAUI Blazor App on android and I want to use Google ads on it. So far, I couldn't find a way to do it. Some solutions I've found involved using MauiMTAdmob plugin but it didn't work for me. I was getting a lot of errors and I couldn't even uninstall the nuget ...
Google AdMob is a mobile advertising platform developed by Google that allows app developers to monetize their mobile apps by displaying ads.
Be aware that the problem doesn’t have to be completely new. Your app could offer a twist on an existing solution. For example, Zoom didn’t invent video calls, but it did make it easier for a particular group of people to make them. Or it could solve a problem for a specific audi...
So, how do free apps make money? 8 Ways to Make Money with Free Mobile Apps 1. In-app advertising In-app advertising provides themost popular wayto monetize mobile apps. Publishers display embedded commercials within their product and receive payments from a third-party ad network. ...
How do I disable my admob ad test mode to show the real ad? I couldn't find a button to disable the test mode, and besides, I haven't published my app yet I checked the app setting section, but there was nothing there to disable the test mode...
Steps to reskin an app successfully Before you set out to reskin iOS app, make sure that your idea is viable and there is a market for it out in the world. There is nothing more discouraging than spending a lot of time to build something than no one else is looking for. Got a great...
the first thing to do is to choice an attractive name and make a nice icon to your app to have a maximum number of download Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Ahmed_Kchaou Beginner 04-18-2013 06:42 PM 2,211 Views Hello Nancy, you must choose an attractive icon for your app...