To make Cartoon in Infinite Craft, combine Car and Drawing. This is much easier than the hours of intense labour and creativity usually required for a fully-fledged Cartoon TV show or internet animation. Like Nuke, Cookie, and the outrageous Infinity element, Cartoon asks you to go through ma...
Click on the arrow down to view other options, including Loop, Bounce, and long exposure.Select the effect you want to create (loop) and save the file. The loop feature plays the video in a one-way order. So, to make it more interesting, you can select the bounce effect, which ...
LOVETT Maybe she wants to make peace with the past. LIZZY What past? She has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the Titanic until two days ago. LOVETT Then we're all meeting your grandmother for the first time. LIZZY (looks at him hard) You think she was ...
As a sound designer, you have a responsibility for the emotional response to a scene or situation, and at the same time, you really want to make sure you align with the director's vision. Working with our creative director, Neil Johnson, has shown me how to push that potential even furt...
to bring everybody into the room at the same time and look at all the shots back to back. We wouldn’t just look at a single shot, like we tend to do. We’d look at the whole scene in whatever state of animation it was, just to make sure that every bea...
While much has been made of the game's exploration of the Vita's functionality, spend a few minutes in Tearaway's papercraft world and it's the strength of the game's animation and design that really stands out. It's a cute and cuddly developer tearing up the rulebook with violent aba...