writing for the site can be challenging, and your first attempt may not be successful. Even authors with experience writing elsewhere can struggle, because an SCP requires you to tell a story in an unusual format.
Want to contribute to the SCP Foundation? Well, you've come to the right place! Before you get started, you'll need to Join the Site. Make sure you've also read the Guide For Writing, which contains important advice on how to write an article and get feedback on it before posting....
A simple fix for it is torun the scp command with the -i flag, thus adding the private key for that user using which you want to connect to the remote host and transfer files. You need to make sure you have the private key for that user and if you don’t, you need to generate ...
” just answer “yes.” It is a security check designed to make sure that you are connecting to your actual server and not an impostor. You should see the same prompt come up on your client system that you see when logging directly into...
#914 – SCP-914 Perhaps the most important room in LCZ as this is where you upgrade all your resources including keycards. Every human class that spawns in LCZ with the objective to escape is after this room first. There are levels to keycards and you require a higher level to make you...
3. Copykubelet-NODE.confto the corresponding worker node: scp capv@CONTROL-PLANE-IP:/home/capv/backup/kubelet-NODE.conf . scp kubelet-<NODE>.conf capv@WORKER-IP:/home/capv/backup/kubelet-NODE.conf 4. SSH to worker node, copy kubelet and restart kubelet: ...
When using a device with large screen size you may want to display logical field groups horizontally to make better use of the screen and minimize vertical scrolling. On smaller screen sizes, Fiori responsive design will automatically adjust the screen by wrapping the fields underneath. In the exa...
To copy files from the "davem" user account on aManjarocomputer to the "dave" account on a Fedora computer, via anscpcommand issued from our local Ubuntu computer, the syntax is: scp davem@manjaro20-0-1.local:/home/davem/man. dave@fedora-34.local:/home/dave/ ...
If an existing token is not found, then a new token is generated with an expiry of 30 days. v1 API will be deprecated soon, so make sure you migrate your scripts/guides to use the v2 API. The v2 API uses the POST method instead of GET. The value for 'expiryInDays' should be mo...
Well, one method is to extend the Special Containment Procedures section: make it longer and more interesting, so that the "peak" gets moved towards the end of the story, relatively speaking. Or you can make the "peak" of the story something other than the reveal of the SCP: something ...