Step 3:If prompted by the User Account Control (UAC), click 'Yes' to allow the tool to make changes to your device. If you're not logged in as an administrator, you may need to enter administrator credentials. Step 4:On the 'Windows 11 Setup' window, read the license terms if you ...
Also, make sure that you set the app to start at login so you don't have to open it every time. Click on 'Preferences' from the menu. Then, check the option for 'Launch at Login'. There's also an option to exclude certain apps so that the data you copy from these apps is neve...
Make sure the button labeled 'Enable PowerToys Run' is toggled on. You can also customize the shortcut to run the utility from there. By default, the shortcut is the Alt + Space keys. To change it, click the pencil icon, which will bring up a new window where you can change the sh...
Afterward, run a thorough virus scan using an updated anti-malware or antivirus tool to detect and eliminate potential malware or viruses. It’s best to use a dedicated third-party security program; If you don't have a dedicated tool, don't worry! built-in Windows Security tool in your ...
Microsoft Store apps download to a different default location, but you can change this setting to save space on your primary drive. Step 1:Open the Start Menu and click on the 'Settings' icon to access system settings. Step 2:In the Settings window, make sure 'System' is selected in the...
It shows all your notifications in the OS. Win+N Open theSnap Layoutsflyout. It helps you organize apps and windows for multitasking.Win+Z OpenWindows Copilot It's an AI-powered assistant that lets you do anything from generating text to creating AI images.Win+C ...