In the game, you can store your valuables in an ender chest to keep them safe. An ender chest has special powers compared to a regular chest. With an ender chest, the items inside the ender chest are specific to a player and will teleport between ender chests. So you can use more tha...
How to Make a Double Chest in Minecraft The crafting recipe we just covered will get you a small chest. It is useable in a variety of ways but many players rely on a large chest as their main storage option. But there is no crafting recipe for a large chest in Minecraft. Instead, yo...
Used for storage like normal chests. All contents of the chest are put into all Ender Chests created, which means they access the same storage. The contents are localised to the player in SMP. If the ender chest is destroyed, none of its contents will be Ingredients: Obsidian + Eye of E...
If you want to learn more about blast resistance, check out our guide onhow to make TNT in Minecraft, which explains this cool mechanic in depth. Obsidian has unique interactivity with pistons as well. Pistons and sticky pistons are unable to push or pull obsidian blocks in the game. The ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an Eye of Ender with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, an Eye of Ender is an item in your inventory that you use to find the End Portal. Let's explore how to make an Eye of Ender.
HOW TO MAKE AN ANVIL IN MINECRAFT? Make noise and spawn the Warden. Then, make a tower that is six blocks high. Place cobwebs on its top, bottom, and sides. The top cobweb will cancel out any knockback from the shriek. The bottom ones will protect you when you fall. ...
There’s quite an array of unique weapons you can use inMinecraft, and you’ll find the most success when playing if you know how to swap between and efficiently use them all. Differing situations call for different weaponry, and aMaceis one of the strongest tools you can use. ...
How to Mine in Minecraft: In this instructable I'm going to teach you how to mine in Minecraft. There are so many ways to approach mining in Minecraft. I want to cover some of the ways you can get started whether it is careful planning or just jumping r
While Minecraft has many items grounded in reality, it has its share of odd, imaginative items. From portals taking you to hellish realms like the Nether or The End to Ender Chests giving you access to items from a different chest across the world, you can put some interesting things in ...
An alternative is usingconsole commands. Just make sure you have cheats enabled! If you have the Java Edition, enter the following command in the chat window to get a Potion of Poison: /give @p potion{Potion:"minecraft:poison"} 1