Players looking to make the most powerful Wizard can do well to build the right foundation from level 1. Making the right decisions from the very beginning will lead to the strongest possible character, resulting in a powerful Wizard who can dominate encounters. With that in mind, there are a...
Artificer.Create turrets or potions to kill monsters for you and craft your own magic item. Squishy, high damage, complicated to play. Barbarian.Get angry to hit things very hard and get hit very hard. Tanky, high damage, simple to play. ...
along with many more subclasses to choose from. The original game started with only three basic classes, the fighting-man, the cleric, and the magic-user. 5e has not added a new character class since 2020, when the artificer was published inTasha's Cauldron of Every...
Dragonshardis one of the most originalDnDgames, taking things to the real-time strategy while throwing in a healthy dose of RPG elements for a unique blend. It also takes place in the setting of Eberron, with plenty of artificer technology to set it apart from other experiences.Dragonshardisn...
Obviously I'm going to tweak that for 5e (idk give them Enlarge/Reduce at 8th level or something). If they grow by aging/leveling (and I'm assuming they naturally level into druid) how long do you think it would take a person to level if they weren't an ...
Artificer Specialists: Alchemist, Armorer, Artillerist, and Battle Smith Barbarian. Barbarians are primal warriors who can fly into a battle rage and use it to empower their attacks. Primary ability: Strength Saving throws: Constitution and Strength ...